Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rabbit Trails

I have wanted to write a blog for a while.  Handsome Husband is always saying after one of our late night, wine-induced sessions of world problem solving (we could so fix everything if they would just let us run the world from our couch) that I should “write that down.”

But what do I call this wonderful  blog?   I know it sounds silly to be stymied for years because of a name, but it is important to me to find something that will encapsulate my insatiable passion to know new things and quirky way of seeing the world.  Pam’s blog just will not do.  Then, early this week, in the middle of insomnia fog at four in the morning the phrase “rabbit trails” popped into my head.  Hmmmm…  

In homeschool circles a rabbit trail is one of those delicious bits of learning that happens when we venture off the lesson plans.  A freaky bug shows up clinging to our window and we’re off exploring the six- legged world.  A chance encounter with an archeologist at Jamestown and the kids are holding a musket ball that last saw daylight in 1610 and deciding that archeology has to be the most exciting profession ever.  Rabbit trails are those days when curiosity gets released from its mason jar and flies around the living room. Rabbit trails definitely sums up how I like to follow inspiration wherever it leads and whenever it shows up.

The next morning  I decided to search the web for a nifty definition of rabbit trails to start the blog.  Imagine my surprise to find that the top five hits say a rabbit trail is a meandering path that doesn’t lead to anywhere.  A waste of time.  A journey for nothing.

What?  A waste of time?  Not even close.  My best days are when I’m following my ADD-addled brain to some destination that was not on the map when I woke up.  Some op-ed piece in the paper makes me righteously indignant  and I’m off meandering through Keynesian economics for two hours (in the middle of the morning, when I should be attending to laundry and math lessons, sigh). 
So, I’m off on a rabbit trail with this blog and I have no idea where it’s going to take us.  Here’s to the journey…

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